
Last updateMon, 26 Aug 2019 4am

Take Note

Step Curry Provides Howard University with Significant Gift!

NBA All-Star Step Curry provides a 6 year funding program to bring Division I. Golf to Howard University for both men and women. This program is expected to attract more outstanding minority golfers to the university and ultimately impact the number of men and women who become professional Golfers on both the men’s and women’s Professional Golf Association Tours

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U.S. News & World Report on HBCUs

U.S. News publishes a report each year which ranks colleges and universities including Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Providing access to this report is not an endorsement of its findings however, it does serve as information when pursuing a better understanding of HBCUs and their continuing significance relative to post-secondary education.

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HBCUs vs PWI’s

In case you missed it, Isiah George wrote an excellent article in the “Undefeated” about the comparison between an education received at an HBCU relative to the education and experience gained at a Predominantly White Institution.

This is an interesting article

HBCU Alumnus Running for President of the United States

Kamala Harris, for States Attorney General for the State of California, current United States Senator and democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States is an HBCU Alumnus and a member of the first African American Sorority – Alpha Kappa Alpha.

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